SR 847/NW 47 Ave Groupings:
43063735201: North Project
From N of NW 199 St to Premier Pkwy & from S of NW 203 St to N of S Snake Cr Canal.
43063715201: South Project
From SR 847/NW 47th Ave from SR 860 (NW 183 St) to N of NW 199 St, Miami Gardens, FL.
$30+ Million grouping that is composed of the total reconstruction of SR 847 / NW 47th Ave. consisted of a 4 lane divided roadway, that includes milling & resurfacing, drainage modifications, guardrail, signing, pavement markings, signalization, new bridge, channel excavation, pile driving and landscaping on NW 47th Ave.
1/2019 to 5/2021